The Stork Stop of Northern Virginia ~ Annandale, Virginia ~ Our Baby and Our Business are Turning ON

It is hard to believe that this picture was taken almost a year ago! Our baby Arabella is turning ONE in just two weeks! Our whole family and business have grown lot in the past year. We started with six beautiful storks and have grown to 16 storks! We are busier than we ever imagined! We are also thrilled to be branching out to birthday signs as well. Be on the lookout for some fun posts where we reveal our beautiful new cupcake birthday sign rentals. Thank you to all the mommas, new dads, grandparents, sisters, and friends who have ordered storks this year and trusted the Stork Stop of Northern Virginia to deliver the perfect new baby gift!!
Would you like to welcome home a new baby with a stork sign? Would you like to make your birthday boy or girl have an extra special celebration with a cupcake birthday lawn sign?
The Stork Stop of Northern Virginia rents 6-foot stork lawn signs in the greater northern Virginia and D.C. metro area in and around Alexandria, Annandale, Arlington, Burke, Clifton, Dunn Loring, Fairfax, Fairfax Station, Falls Church, Ft. Belvoir, Ft. Hunt, Ft. Meyer, Greenway, Lorton, McLean, Merrifield, Newington, Oakton, Potomac, Rockville, Springfield, Tyson's Corner, Vienna, West McLean, & Woodbridge.
Call us at 703-988-1846 or visit for additional information or to order your stork sign today!
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